

Mission: Scarborough United strives to deliver the highest quality soccer programs for its members' development, enjoyment and growth in soccer and in life.

Scarborough United Club Constitution
Values: To achieve this mission, the Club has adopted a set of values that guide its decision-making and its activities. Success in meeting the mission depends on achieving the following values:

portsmanship, encouraging fair play and respect at all levels including officials, players and the rules of the game.
Challenges, creating opportunities for players to meet or exceed their abilities through athletic expression at the highest level.
Appreciation, learning to understand the game of soccer and the gifts of playing a team sport.
Resources, ensuring the Club has the human, financial and physical resources to meet the needs of the players registered with the Club.
Best, encouraging players, coaches and referees to improve their skills and knowledge of the game and be the best they can be on and off the field.
Opportunity, offering high quality programs to girls and women of all ages where interest and enthusiasm are the primary qualities sought.
Recognition, rewarding the effort put forth and the improvement gained from energy and enthusiasm of the players, coaches and Club volunteers.
Operation, the Club will operate in a way that maximizes the benefit to the players on the field while minimizing the cost to the members.
United, to proudly promote the Club, its members and the community in which we live.
Governance, having a set of policies, a constitution and people that enable the Club to operate efficiently and effectively for all members.
Having Fun, players participate in soccer for many reasons but in all cases fun has to be one of the most important for continued enjoyment.